We take our guests’ comfort very seriously, which is why we require every dog who wants to enroll to have a thorough Temperament Assessment with one of our Certified Professional Trainers prior to being accepted.

Temperament assessments help us understand how your dog reacts to various situations, such as new surroundings, new people and new dogs. The information gathered by our dog professionals is useful when determining the best placement for your dog at BARK U.

What you and your dog can expect during a Temperament Assessment:

  • You will meet with one of our Certified Professional Trainers so we can learn more about your dog’s personality and needs.
  • We will assess your dog’s behavior and observe their interaction and comfort level in a group play environment.
  • Assessments typically take about 30 minutes, where you will be welcome to wait in the lobby while your dog explores BARK U and makes new friends! If you scheduled a tour, one of our staff members will show you around the facility while your dog is being assessed. 

After the assessment, we will discuss with you our observations and how we can provide the best experience possible for your dog. If we find your dog will benefit from our services, then he/she will be accepted.

After your assessment our dedicated Wellness Coordinator will then personally work with you to best guide you in determining your dog’s care, happiness and growth at BARK U. 

Temperament Assessment Rate:

For situations requiring immediate boarding or daycare without a prior assessment, we provide Priority/Same Day Assessments. This option allows you to book an assessment and drop off your dog on the same day. Although there is a risk that your dog may not be suitable for group play, they will still be allowed to stay. However, a higher rate will apply in such cases.

Priority Temperament Assessment Rate:


How long does the assessment take?

The assessment takes approximately 30 minutes.

Is the deposit refundable?

The rate is non-refundable regardless of if your dog is accepted. Refunds are not given to same day cancellations and no-call/no-shows.

What if my dog does not do well with other dogs?

If your dog does not enjoy other dogs, we do offer private care and play for a higher rate. We would still need to assess your dogs comfortability in our environment and with our handlers. During your dogs assessment our trainer will discuss with you the options.

What happens if my dog “fails” the assessment?

Not every dog enjoys being in a group play environment or sleeping away from home. If your dog is uncomfortable, we will discuss steps you can take to make your dog more comfortable, or we will offer alternatives such as local private care and play, pet sitters, other facilities and/or dog trainers if we feel that is in the best interest for your dog.